Dec 14, 2023
Welcome to another episode of Helping Kids Thrive. Today’s strategy for ensuring our kids flourish centers around the idea of helping them stay organized. We’re joined today by a special guest, Emily Waples who is a pediatric occupational therapist. Join the conversation as we talk about why organization is important for our kids, how we can help our kids build the skills required to be successful in staying organized, the importance of including them in the process of establishing schedules and checklists, and Emily gives insight into ages and their corresponding organizational skills. Tune in to hear more from Emily on helping your kids stay organized. Thanks for listening!
Key Points From This Episode:
An introduction to our topic and special guest.
Why organization is important for our kids.
The skills required to be successful at being organized.
How we can help our kids build their organizational skills.
Tips and recommendations for getting organized for school.
Incentives to adhere to organizational checklists and schedules.
Including children in the process of establishing schedules and lits.
Emily talks about different ages and corresponding organizational skills.
Using technology to help with organization.
Closing tips and tricks for getting your kids organized!