Feb 25, 2021
Guests: Veronica Farrior + Megan Moran
This episode of Helping Kids Thrive features two speech language pathologists, Veronica Farrior and Megan Moran. Veronica and Megan were recently interviewed on the "Let's Talk About Representation" podcast and join us today to explore ways to help raise children who are inclusive...
Feb 18, 2021
Guest: Stephanie Hanrahan
This episode of Helping Kids Thrive features Stephanie Hanrahan, a parent of two children with autism. Two years ago, Stephanie became weary of social media pressure to appear perfect and she made her private journal public. Since then, she has achieved viral success as a writer and...
Feb 11, 2021
Guest: Michaela Landry, Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Happy Valentine's Day! As we celebrate, the season of love, it's important to remember to also pour into yourself. We recognize that self care can be challenging for parents and caregivers, so we invited Michaela Landry, a licensed clinical social worker, to...
Feb 4, 2021
Guest: Amanda Hain, Speech Language Pathologist
During this episode, Nicole chats with speech language pathologist, Amanda Hain, about practical ways to help your child produce speech that is more understandable to others. She shares tips and tricks to help parents determine HOW they make speech sounds in order to help...